Our Product Line

JK's Joke & Novelty Company has hundreds of our own branded products available to customers. Our most famous & popular range of products is our *STAR QUALITY* line of professional entertainers and theatrical products. Items include professional SFX products, including our "Frightful Features line of injury, wound and skin condition prosthethics, liquid latex and blood capsules! Items like our custard pie foam are also in the range and are a HUGE favorite!

Also included in our *STAR QUALITY* line is our professional clown supplies, with items ranging from striking GIANT bow-ties to professional clown noses in RED and BLACK used by major circuses across the world, as well as professional modelling balloons, afro wigs and much more!


Here's our model showcasing some of our *STAR QUALITY* clown line. To purchase the products shown- visit the shop here

Furthermore, for our wonderful retails customers, you'll find hundreds of wonderful products for children, teens and adults- we well and truly have something for everyone! We even have our own range of stink bombs, fun snaps and fart sprays for those Dennis the Meanace's we all know!!